Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Awkward Moments..

So I was trying to find a something to post about earlier and I couldn't come up with anything! Little did I know... I'd have a story. This might be kinda long so I'm sorry in advance.(:

So today I had a Choir Concert and afterwards everyonee goes to this frozen yogurt place! Well me and my brother didn't go because he had basketball. But once his basketball got over, my mom said if I came with her to pick him up we could go get like Ice cream. I was going to watch a movie so I was in my pajamas just a btww. So halfway to Artic Circle my mom says "Lets just go get frozen yogurt". And I FlIPPED I was like "Mom someone I know is going to be there I can feel it". And Lo and behold guess who was there?!?!?
JOE (from the crush post) and all his friends! Now my mom knows Joe and stuff. But I was like there is no way I'm going in. So this cute little neighbor kid starts talking to me and then I see Joe and all his friends coming over to my car. My mom had told them I was in the car!!!!! They were like "Heyyy nice pajamas!!" Oh my heck I thought I was going to DIE! It was so embarrassing!! They were all dressed up and I was in my pajamas.

So moral of the story: Don't go anywhere in your pajamas! You never know who your gonna see!!

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